This life will eventually carry us through a wilderness, a period of life epitomized by hard- ships, suffering, wandering, and grief. The wilderness can also be a time to withdraw from the world, to give up something of significance in order to think, pray, read, and gain spiritual insight on life.
Finding Our Way Through the Wilderness is designed to help those who are in a wilderness by no choice of their own and those who choose to enter the wilderness to prepare spiritually for the arrival of Easter or the next part of their journey. Readers will emerge from the wilderness stronger, healthier, wiser, and better equipped to continue on their way.
What Others Say
Like muscles, our spiritual awareness needs to be stretched if we are to become strong and spiritually mature. This is a book that will stretch you spiritually. Michael Helms and Erica Cooper are not only gifted writers, they also see spiritual realities in the whole sweep of human experience. Spend a few minutes each day with this book, and it will make such a difference in your life that you will return to it regularly.
Like muscles, our spiritual awareness needs to be stretched if we are to become strong and spiritually mature. This is a book that will stretch you spiritually. Michael Helms and Erica Cooper are not only gifted writers, they also see spiritual realities in the whole sweep of human experience. Spend a few minutes each day with this book, and it will make such a difference in your life that you will return to it regularly.
—R. Alan Culpepper, Dean
McAfee School of Theology Mercer University
Written so plainly that a child will understand, yet laced with the kind of depth and history that scholars will embrace. What an extraordinary achievement that is!
—Ronda Rich
Best-selling author of What Southern Women Know About Faith
Ken Smith Ministries
Ken Smith
Michael Helms and Erica Cooper have written a book that will inspire many. Their uplifting messages, stories, and prayers are powerful and revealing. While reading Finding Our Way Through the Wilderness, I felt calm coming into my chaotic life. I highly recommend this book to any and all.
—Jean Sasson
New York Times and international bestselling author of Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia
and Growing up Bin Laden: Osama’s Wife and Son Share Their Secret Life
If ever the world were a wilderness, it would be today. Economic and social unrest have created a maze with confusing twists and turns. More than a GPS to guide us, we need a sense of spiritual direction and the confidence to find our way, with His help. In Michael Helms and Erica Cooper’s Finding Our Way Through the Wilderness, the safe route is clearly defined. Just as our GPS speaks to us, their masterful storytelling offers a calming assurance that we can navigate through the wilderness. I didn’t read it once. I read it twice. And I’ll read it again. It’s that good.
—Dink NeSmith
Community Newspapers, Inc.